Need help getting more email conversions?
Start strong with Welcome Email Wizardry
Inside you get:

3 Email welcome sequence templates

  Easy to customize for your own style and niche

  Training videos on how to set up a winning welcome sequence

Email selling tips when you feel like you "suck at selling"

Email tips to help you get more people to open your emails and take action from them

Grab–&–go format to make it easy to send emails & make more $

Easy to use for any email service provider 

& more!

   If we haven't met yet... Hi! I'm Caroline!   
Email marketer, graphic designer, digital product creator, & everything in between!

Making digital products and using email marketing to sell them has changed my business & my life... & I know it's possible for you, too. 

My mission is to give you all of the tools you need to create AND actually sell your own digital products... & the best way is email.

It's not enough that you have an incredible product to sell... you have to know HOW to sell it, too... And that's exactly what you get inside. :) 

Contact information

Billing address

I agree that this is an end-use product and that it will not be used to create a competing product or duplicate and resell it. Not to be duplicated or shared.
I am agreeing to be added to Caroline Vencil's email list
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

What more can I say – Caroline is a GENIUS for getting all of these together! I used the templates and made my first sale from an email!
Kacie L.

This was THE best money I've ever spent. Caroline makes everything to doable in her training. This set me up to make more from my blog than I had ever done before!

Jessy L.

Welcome Email Wizardry$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xWelcome Email Wizardry$0

All prices in USD
